Christ Rules

Rushdoony Speaks Project

It is clear that rather than just providing one platform ( for Rushdoony's tapes and hope people will find it and use it, we need to proactively follow the audience to the platforms where they already are and present the tapes, books, and transcripts there in the appropriate format.

This means formatting, conversion, and organizing the content now on Pocket College for video (YouTube, Bitchute, etc.), streaming (DLive, etc.), posting (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), and tweeting (Twitter, etc.).

This is a project that will require a team of technically competent professionals to accomplish, especially the initial setup. After that a smaller team can keep it running. However, with the platforms evolving and new ones gaining traction, we will want to be able to address these changes and not fall behind as we presently are.

So far, for all the projects listed here, we have had $100 donated so far for the Rushdoony Study Bible Project. While not despising the day of small beginnings, and remembering the $70,000 donation we received to do the Ten Million Word Project, none of these projects will get done without substantial support from people who share Rushdoony's vision for teaching Biblical Law to the nations. A special blessing is promised for those who not only hear and obey, but also teach and facilitate the teaching of Biblical law.

This project would require substantial funding in the six figure range. If you are moved to support this project please donate here.

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