Christ Rules

Vain Imaginings

Does chasing blessings get you blessings? Does running from curses save you from curses? The world thinks so. Sadly, so do many Christians. But Scripture teaches otherwise. It says that chasing obedience gets you blessings and running from disobedience saves you from curses.

Think about it, because if you can't get this straight then you are in or are headed for some very frustrating, undesirable outcomes that you will be impotent to change.

"But surely God does not want us to obey the silly, irrelevant, outdated, savage, immoral, embarrassing, non-traditional, and/or primitive laws, right?"

Wrong. The Creator made us and owns us and gets to make the rules and He even went so far as to go to great personal lengths to reconcile us to them. Can a goat understand tax loopholes? Don't try to second guess God.

So stop worrying about and fearing the curses and start worrying about how to take God and His laws seriously. Stop chasing blessings and chase obedience instead. Then be thankful when the blessings chase you.

A spoonful of logos helps the truth go down.

From Owen Benjamin: I know what the woman's instinct is, is to abandon the weak man. And that's what's happening to a lot of the West. The men are not serving God anymore, they're serving their own desires.

A lot of it comes from cucking. They want sex with multiple women so they'll agree with nonsense that women say, and women hate that so they'll leave them and then the men get extra bitter and say, "All women are whores!" No, you failed. Because if you're not serving God, women won't serve you.

So the societies that have lost God and forgotten about God... I'll show you this:

Like that parent shocked his UK schools teach 6 to 10 year olds to touch their private parts and beds and showers. That's not shocking! Of course they're gonna do that! You've opened the door to the weasels. If you don't have God protecting you you've let the chickens out of the coop and they'll feel free for about a day and then they'll all die.

Masculine energy comes from God, only God, God the Father. So God is the Father of the father. I am a father. God is the Father.

I don't hate this woman. What I see is failed men. They don't have as much autonomy as men, they don't. They're easily led just like children. Children have less autonomy than women. Just like you can trick a child into doing insane stuff women are more trickable than men. It's their nature to be led. That woman was not led by men in her community. The men in her community probably wanted to f**k her and put her on pills so she couldn't get pregnant. You know I'm right.

So what does she do she gets led by literal demons. Look at her. I'm not mad at that girl, I feel for that girl.

You wonder where these people come from, it's from weak men. Eve was deceived not Adam, right, but Adam cucked. Adam was like, "Oh it's Eve's fault oh it's God's fault I'm naked oh." The whole thing started with a man not leading his woman properly. Yeah she was tricked but it's Adams job to keep her away from the snakes.

That's why people who blame Eve aren't seeing the whole picture. That moment defined humans. Adam didn't step up for Eve. Adam has to keep Eve away from the snake because women listen to snakes. It's Adams job and what did he do? He blamed everyone but himself and we will be here in this hellish plane of existence until we learn that lesson. The only time we get God's grace is when we accept that that this is a penalty and the worst thing you can possibly do is let Eve listen to the snake because you're a little bitch.

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