Christ Rules

Rushdoony Study Bible Project

A Vision

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Prov. 29:18

A vision for keeping Biblical Law is the key to the life of a people. Today that vision is inaccessible to the vast majority of Christians. They don't get it from the pulpits, certainly not from the culture, nor from the study notes in their Bibles. And the Bible is the only book that the vast majority of Christians will ever pick up and read. So if they are ever going to be introduced to the teaching of R. J. Rushdoony it will have to be through a Study Bible with his clearly delineated notes.

The power of a study Bible can be seen by the widespread errors caused by the Scofield Study Bible in teaching dispensationalism. Originally published in 1910 it holds sway over the minds of 50 million people and is largely responsible for their Zionist worship of the state of Israel, as if it were God on earth that can do no wrong. The power of a study Bible needs to be harnessed to provide a vision of Biblical law keeping.

Why Rushdoony?

The life's work of R.J. Rushdoony was to not only immunize Christians to the errors of humanism, but also to build a foundation on which the kingdom of Christ, His rule by His law, could be established. His magnum opus, The Institutes of Biblical Law, is the seminal work that reveals anew the ongoing validity of Biblical Law, which is the definition of the very character of Christ. There is no better teacher we can look to that provides the breadth and depth of teaching and mentoring for a Christendom that has been losing ground to its Talmudic enemies for over a century, enemies who know Biblical law better than we Christians do and are exploiting that deadly ignorance to destroy Western civilization.

The teaching is there, in print and audio form. Now it needs to be brought to bear and made accessible to all of Christendom, especially in the West, using every means at our disposal.

The Rushdoony Study Bible

The Rushdoony Study Bible will not only appear in printable form but as apps for the major platforms as well, starting with Android phones, then as a website, and then iOS, Windows, with posts to Facebook, and Twitter and other web based platforms as well. It will be an audio rich resource on the appropriate platforms as well since it will be based largely on the 2,500 audio recordings Rushdoony made. A browser plug-in will provide Rushdoony quotes relevant to whatever is being viewed at the time. In keeping with the Biblical law, that we may not charge for the teaching of God's law, all these resources will be provided free of charge, as is Pocket College today.

This editor is in a unique position to take on such as task as he has been granted perpetual permission in writing from Chalcedon to publish the transcripts of the ~12 million spoken words of Rushdoony we have in our audio tape archive. Having created the audio archive of all of Rushdoony's 2,500 tapes independently, then raising the funds and completing the transcription of those tapes, the editor, a Systems Engineer by trade, is now ready to take on this project to completion.

This is a massive undertaking that will require substantial funding to do right. There is no commercial payoff. A serious crisis in the West may soften the hearts of Christians towards the sober teaching of Biblical Law before it is too late. If not, its influence may take longer to manifest itself.

Reconstruction requires a financial foundation, and this the tithe provides. The tithe can create the necessary Christian institutions. - R.J. Rushdoony - Tithing and Dominion p.4

If you would like to direct your Levitical Tithe (used in this case to facilitate the teaching of the Law of God) to this work you may do so here: Donation Page.  To discuss the financial details of this project please call the editor at any time: (517)546-8780



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