Christ Rules

Propaganda, Indoctrination, Race, Politics & Genocide

By Peter Hammond

From this distance, across the Atlantic, in another hemisphere, it seems clear to me that McDurmon & Marxinov's miscegenation is not a Biblical agenda, but is part of the Marxist Frankfurt School cultural termite agenda.

It is Marxism at work to confuse, divide and conquer.
Also to corrupt and conquer.

The Communist Party USA has had promotion of miscegenation and race mixing as a foundational tenant of their strategy to create race conflict in the United States.

It is completely understandable why any Marxist would want to pursue this kind of agenda and tactic. It is inexplicable why any Christian, let alone a Reformed Christian who holds to Theonomy, Post-millennialism and a Reconstructionist ideal to adopt the position, agenda and bullying tactics of our Marxist enemies.

I have had to endure this kind of guilt manipulative, politics of guilt and pity, intimidation tactics from communists in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia for as long as I can remember. There is not a snowballs chance in hell that these vile bullying tactics of cultural Marxism by McDurmon and Bo Marxinov could ever succeed in cowering someone like me to bow to their multicultural idol.

Nor do I believe that they actually care about black people at all. Those of us who devote our lives to serving and ministering to them are not impressed by these key board warriors with their hypocritical social justice agenda. We know that their main goal is the destruction of our Christian civilisation. The fact that black people will be the main victims of their counter-productive and destructive agenda does not seem to worry them in the slightest.

Seriously, do Americans really think that is a valid and worthwhile use of their time?!

For centuries and millenniums, the vast majority of people of all races, tribes and religions, have believed that it is best and ideal to marry within ones race. That has been the practice of most people, including your family and mine.

How can something which was normative for so many centuries and millenniums suddenly be a heresy?

Totally bizarre!

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