Christ Rules

If Christ Rules Over Us, Dominion Will Be Ours

Lightning Stikes while cross is revealed in sunlight streaming

The independent man who rules over his own life apart from God has nothing more at his command than his own feeble and frail power. But if Christ rules over us, we have at our disposal all the protection, power, and unfailing success of God Almighty. - RJ Rushdoony

Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.

Quote from American Rep Robert Charles Winthrop stated during the 1800's

"Deliver us, oh Lord, from those who would convert our land into a place of freedom for murderers, freedom for adulterers, for thieves, perjurers and slanderers. And give us again, oh Lord, freedom under thee—responsible freedom, that we may again be a land of liberty. Establish us oh Lord in Thy Law-Word. And make us the salt of the earth that we may restore and preserve those things which are of Thee and confound and destroy those things which are against Thee. Bless us to this purpose, in Jesus’ name, Amen." [0:27:55.0]

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