Christ Rules

God ‘s Law

Deuteronomy 6:6,7 And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

Parents have the responsibility to teach their children the Law of God.  This teaching is to be omnipresent in their lives.

To this end we offer the preaching and teaching of RJ Rushdoony, the greatest preacher of God's Law in our time.

I have MP3 players for myself and each of the children, as well as in the living room, in the car, and in the bedroom.

As the father I listen to Rushdoony when I go to bed and when I get up in the morning and when ever I am in the car for any period of time.  Yes, it humbling to realize how far behind I am in obedience to Christ, how far short of emulating Him in his character, but what a peace and rest to be meek before Christ and tamed to the bridle of His LawWord.

In the United States, we have seen law steadily being replaced by regulations.  Without agreeing with the validity of man-made laws, it must be recognized that all the enacted laws of legislative bodies are few when compared with annual libraries of bureaucratic regulations which are held to be binding by the courts. This drift from laws to regulations is a logical one in humanistic cultures.  If the state is sovereign, the state does not need ratification of its will by the people, nor by their representatives. As sovereign, it has law making power independent of the people, and it progressively asserts this power. The drift then into a totalitarian order can only be arrested and reversed by a return to the sovereignty of God. No laws passed to arrest that drift can succeed.  No sovereign can be bound by the laws of a subject.  Men cannot bind God by their laws and wills, and, when the state is accepted by men as sovereign, it is freed from all human restraint.  Only a return to the one true God and Sovereign can reverse man's condition of bondage.

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